How to Enrol at Unisa
UNISA Registration Guidelines
It can be tough figuring out how to apply to study with UNISA, how to register with UNISA and how MyUNISA works. UNISA Registration dates are also important to keep track of so you know when you can register.
It’s never too early to start researching subjects, checking out study tips and exam tips to make sure you get the most out of MyUNISA and your complete UNISA experience.
UNISA Registration Process 101
Before you can start registering for courses with UNISA, you need to apply to the actual university. This happens before the registration and when you actively begin to study. Applications are accepted in April and August (so it’s best to register early). Follow the UNISA Application tutorial here.
For first-time students at UNISA, here is a list of steps to make your registration stress-free:
Take action and Register
Visit and click on the Register button located at the top of the page in the middle.

Choose the option that is applicable to you
- Undergraduate & honours qualifications
- Master’s & doctoral degrees
- Short Learning Programmes

Registration Process Begins

Read the text and once you are ready click on the Start the process button.

Find your qualification

There are multiple ways to search for your qualification. Choose the option that suits you.

Once your search is complete, select your qualification.

Once you are happy with the qualification you selected, scroll down and click the Proceed to calculating your student fees button.

Calculate your study fees

Read the text and use the buttons under the Prescribed student fees heading to help you calculate your study fees.

Submit your registration
Once you have calculated your study fees, click on number 3 in the Registration Process.

Read the text and use the buttons under the Registration Options heading to choose which way you will submit your registration.
Hint: The online option is the quickest.

Pay your study fees
After submitting your registration you need to pay your study fees. Click on number 4 to continue.

Click the Payment methods button to explore the different options UNISA accepts.

Once you have made payment you can click on the What to do after you’ve completed the registration process button at the bottom of the page.

What happens after registration?
You can find useful information on this page which will explain what you can do now that you have completed your UNISA registration.

Together We Pass’s helpful tips from Nita Ramroop and Nerraine September on UNISA registration:
Register early
If you register in January, you lose five weeks of study time! Remember how stressful this term was and try to work consistently throughout this term. You can then register online, at a regional office or by post/fax. It’s advisable to register online as that is the fastest and easiest. Register online.
Check any outstanding work
If you are already a UNISA student, check the modules you still have to complete. UNISA often change their UNISA course codes and if you submit an assignment under an old course code, it will be listed as outstanding.
Check the textbooks that are required for each subject
Some textbooks are updated every year and the one you have may be out of date. Other textbooks, you may be able to use for a couple of years in a row. Best to check before you register (and before you buy or sell any study notes). Check which textbooks have been prescribed for your module.
Be wise when choosing your modules
Many students get demotivated or give up if they start with a module they aren’t interested in or one that is too hard. Start with a module you think you’ll enjoy and it will encourage you to keep going. When registering for your modules, make sure that you use the module code and not the module name.
- Don’t wait for your marks to be released as they are always late! Choose modules that don’t have prerequisites or that have prerequisites that you already fulfil.
- Remember you can register some modules now and others (if you are waiting for marks) later.
- You can confirm your qualification, choose your modules and calculate your fees.
Look at the exam dates
Check the above three points again and see which exams aren’t too close together. It’s a tough process, but try plan at least one day between each paper to perform your best.
Look at your resources
Before you register, ensure you have internet access and good computer knowledge as these are crucial to you having a worthwhile academic experience.
Manage your payment
When you’re on the UNISA site, choose the online registration option. A new tab will pop up with instructions. Follow the instructions and then pay directly after registration. When you’ve paid your required amount, print out your proof of payments and fax it through to UNISA’s registration department.
What is MyUNISA?
MyUNISA is going to be central to your study experience from when you’ve registered. MyUNISA allows you to submit assignments online and keep up to date with all the relevant information for your UNISA course. MyUNISA has many great features, and some that aren’t so hot. Here’s a full list of pros and cons for MyUNISA. If you’re looking to join a UNISA study group, sign up with Together We Pass. We offer online discussion forums to UNISA students, an assignment tool to submit and compare assignment answers and many valuable resources compiled by students who are studying your particular UNISA course. Remember you need to first create a free account, and then add your study group to your account.