UNISA Application Closing Date

UNISA Application Closing Date


UNISA Application Closing Date  , Check out UNISA Application Closing Date  in the information provided below


UNISA application closing date for 2018 has passed!  You can no longer apply to study in January 2018.

Do not despair though as there will be another application period at the end of the year.


UNISA application dates to study in January 2018

The first application period for 2018 closed on the 29th of September 2018.  You needed to have all your documents with UNISA by the 29th in order to be considered to study in January 2018.

The documents required are as follows, and you will be automatically rejected if you did not hand in every single one:



  • Copy of your school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)
  • Copy of your official tertiary academic record(s) (if applicable) (internet copies will not be accepted)
  • Copy of your ID document (RSA students) or ID / passport (international students)
  • Copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable) or divorce decree (if applicable)
  • Sworn translations of documents if they are not in English or Afrikaans


UNISA application dates to study in June 2018

UNISA will announce the next application period when they are ready.  This is usually in November and December.

We will announce the new application period as soon as it is released.


What if I want to study now?

If you are anxious to start studying so that you can start your career and start earning a decent salary then perhaps you can think of joining a different institution.  Have you considered joining a private distance learning college?

Many of the students that we speak with that do not get into UNISA or who cannot wait to study decide to study somewhere else.  We recommend Skills Academy who we work closely on a daily basis as all their students have free study groups run by their lecturers on our website.  So we know just how much they help their students to ensure that they pass!


What can I study at Skills Academy?

Skills Academy

You have many options of fully accredited courses you can study at Skills Academy, all of them in the business field.

  • CIMA professional management accounting
  • Business management diploma
  • Financial management diploma
  • Office administration diploma
  • Entrepreneurship diploma
  • Public sector accounting diploma

These courses range from 2 to 3 years to complete when you are studying part time while working.


Is a private college more expensive than UNISA?

No, a distance learning college like Skills Academy only costs a fraction of what you pay for a full degree at UNISA if you study a diploma course

The CIMA qualifications are closer to the UNISA fees, however the course is much longer and also ends up on the same academic level as a UNISA degree.