UNISA Centre for Public Law Studies

Veloren van Themaat (VvT) Centre for Public Law Studies

The aims of the Centre are, amongst others:

  • To encourage, promote and where necessary, coordinate, interest and research in and the study of public law in general
  • To encourage and promote contact between South African and foreign experts in the relevant fields of law by all appropriate and available means
  • To discuss, analyse and provide authoritative views on the application of public law in southern Africa and elsewhere, through the holding of lectures, seminars, conferences, and other gatherings
  • To encourage and support the expansion of comprehensive sources on public law
  • To serve as a recognised centre for research
  • To initiate research projects


Contact us

Prof Babatunde Fagbayibo
Centre Manager
012 429 3766
[email protected]
Cas van Vuuren 7-64

Unisa Short Learning Programmes

Ms Riana Pretorius
Administrative Officer
012 429 4149
[email protected]

Unisa Short Learning Programmes

Short Course in Refugee Law and Humanitarian Support (72877)

The purpose of the module is to equip students with a basic understanding of the different categories of migrants, the various aspects of migration, and the rights and responsibilities of migrants, in order to promote effective and sustainable solutions to human migration and displacement and reduce prejudices towards foreign nationals as a means to this end, to equip students with an integrated legal, psychosocial and humanitarian perspective on the problems faced by refugees, internally displaced persons, migrants and stateless people, and the capacity (knowledge, skills and competencies) to provide legal protection and humanitarian support to different categories of migrants, by applying relevant legislation, international law and human rights instruments with contextualised understanding and empathy.

Target group
Humanitarian Aid Workers, Government Officials, Lawyers, Welfare and NGO Employees, Lay Counsellors, Church Leaders, Refugees and other people involved with Foreign Nationals and other displaced persons.

Admission requirements
Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification

Six months

Language medium

Registration periods
Semester dates

Tuition method
Distance Learning, Workshops

Kind of assessment

Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies

Formative assessment:

Summative assessment:
An examination

Refugee Law and Humanitarian Support (SCRL01A)

HEQF Level of Module – 5
Credits of Module – 12

Syllabus/Content Topics
Introduction: Background to migration and human displacement into the 21st century
International, African and regional frameworks for refugee protection
South African framework for refugee protection
Basic principles of humanitarian response management
Basic principles of psychosocial support

Course leader

Ms Lee Stone
012 429 8492
[email protected]
Cas van Vuuren 7-46

Programme in Provincial and Local Government Law (01732)

To provide the identified target audience with knowledge, specific skills and applied competence to fulfil their particular role in the provincial and local government environment and to deal with specific problems encountered in the identified target audience’s environment. To achieve this purpose, the target audience is provided with:

Knowledge of and insight into the functions and powers of provincial and local government
Knowledge of the basic principles of the law in general and public law in particular
Knowledge of the most important constitutional provisions which deal, either directly or indirectly, with provincial and local government. These provisions relate to the principles of co-operative government, fundamental rights (in particular the right to just administrative action) and ethics (including the values and principles underpinning the public administration)
A basic introduction to the drafting of legislation

Target group
Members of the National Council of Provinces, members and/or administrators and/or officials of provincial and local government such as administrators in provincial government, councillors of municipalities, aspirant councillors and municipal officers, members of the public with an interest in good governance, graduates from the UNISA/ABET certificate course, graduates from other university and/or Technikon certificate courses, members of civic associations, trade unions, community development forums, community policing forums and political and service organisations dealing with provincial and local government matters, including development

Admission requirements
Senior Certificate or an equivalent NQF level 4 qualification

One year

Language medium

Registration periods
01 December to 28 February

Tuition method
Print only and one practical workshop

Kind of assessment

Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies

Formative assessment:
Three assignments that must be submitted in order to obtain admission to the examination

Summative assessment:
A written three-hour written examination for which students should obtain at least 50% in order to pass

Provincial and Local Government Law (PLGL01N)

HEQF Level of Module – 5
Credits of Module – 24

Syllabus/Content Topics
An overview of provincial and local government law
The principles of administrative law
The rules of statutory interpretation
The ethical standards applicable to the officers involved and a human rights culture
The principles of co-operative government
The law relating to development, planning and sustainable development
The legislative process (the way laws are made)
The drafting of legislative instruments

Course leader
Adv Claudia Malatsi
012 429 2496
[email protected]
Cas van Vuuren 7-72

Programme administrator(s)
Ms Riana Pretorius
Administrative Officer
012 429 4149
[email protected]