Unisa Law Clinic

Unisa Law Clinic

It provides affordable legal aid and legal representation in any court of law, tribunal or body before which a party may be represented by a legal practitioner.  The services are provided for persons who are indigent or for any other reason unable to obtain the services of legal practitioners in private practices. The Clinic is staffed by qualified attorneys as well as candidate attorneys.

Students who have completed their LLB can apply to the Clinic as candidate attorneys in order to complete their clerkships there.

Contact us

Physical Address:

Building 12A
Thutong Building
C/o Joubert & Justice Mahomed Streets
Postal Address:
PO Box 392


Tel: 012 481 2954/5
Fax: 012 481 2959
Email: [email protected]

Kindly call to set up consultations. All new consultations are scheduled between 9am and 12pm on Mondays to Thursdays, only.